MMIPO shop - Misericórdia Museum and Church of Porto


The MMIPO - Misericórdia Museum and Church of Porto is located in the heart of the historic centre, in Rua das Flores, in the building that was the institution's headquarters from the mid-16th century until 2013.

Over the centuries, the building has undergone several alterations, the most recent being its adaptation for museum functions.

The Museum has the aim of making the history of Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto and its institutional purposes known, as well as publicising its art collections, by making available a set of resources that reflect the memory and identity of this organisation, projecting it into the future.

The museum route includes the Misericórdia Church, a 16th century building that received a major overhaul in the 18th century by Nicolau Nasoni, and the Benefactors‘ Gallery, an example of the city's iron and glass architecture."

Mapa das Ideias has signed a contract to provide services in the area of Cultural Merchandising and External Consultancy for the development of a shop concept. The Proposal:

- create an exclusive and distinctive shop concept that respects the museum's mission and collection, as well as all the themes related to the museum's context.

- partnership model - exclusive supplier: Mapa das Ideias will be the exclusive supplier of all merchandising for the MMIPO shop, developing unique collections, which will be placed in the shop on a consignment basis, with monthly sales reports.

All items are Mapa das Ideias's property until they are sold, and the MMIPO must ensure that they are kept and returned if they are not sold within a maximum period of one year.

The profit margin, excluding VAT, will be 15 per cent for MMIPO, with the possibility of additional discounts, depending on the sales volume of each item, based on the commercial relationship that Mapa das Ideias has with its suppliers.


Human resources, the invoicing system, the shop's packaging and all the activity and management of the space must remain the same, directly assigned to the MMIPO. 

All articles using images of the museum will first be sent to the MMIPO's Board of Directors for approval and will not be commercialised anywhere else, unless the parties so agree.

All items will be sent to the MMIPO duly labelled and alarmed, with reference, barcode and retail price, ready for display. 

MI is responsible for the replacement and development of new articles.

Mapa das Ideias provides training for the museum team assigned to the shop:

- sales techniques and interaction with visitors;

- knowledge of all the items on sale - origin, context, materials, authors;

- techniques for displaying items, following a pre-defined model of shop communication and display layout;

- material reception, stock management, daily replenishments, sales reports, inventories.

Mapa das Ideias makes regular visits to the shop to support the team and make the necessary adjustments to the merchandising display, as well as stock adjustments after analysing sales.

Expanding the space for occupation 

For the shop's sales to be successful, we considered it necessary to make some changes to the shop's space, proposing a new layout while keeping the existing furniture, but the changes made so far have been residual.